Ismadi bin Md Badarudin,
of Computer and Mathematic Sciences
Mohd Ismail bin Abidin
UiTM Melaka Jasin Branch
Mohd Ab Malek
bin Md Shah
of Laws
bin Mahzan
of Computer and Mathematic Sciences
Melaka Jasin Branch
Significantly, this academic paper is aimed as a
medium of intellectual discourse in discussing the implementation of e-Voting;
as well as the voters’ perception pertaining to this system throughout Universiti
Teknologi MARA accordingly. From the dimension of the authors’ involvement and
experiences in coping with this system, such discussion caters the variety of
relevant strategies towards improving such comprehension of perception and
acceptance among the voters of the procedures; from the system development till
its implementation holistically. Indeed, the research outcome of comparison
between the voters’ perception in 2013 and 2009 campus election has included in
this writing for the purpose of identifying the level of acceptance of this
system. It is found out that continuous effort should be materialized in
ensuring that the elements of trustworthy, security and integrity could lead
towards the betterment of positive acceptance towards e- Voting system.
e-Voting system, campus election, trustworthy, security, integrity
1.0 Introduction
Throughout along the
process of
democracy, the principles of just and exclusive
selection are vitally crucial. In
relation to this, the implementation by way of election ballot is
a usual process in the determination
of leaders. Yet, such continuous improvement
is needed for the sake of increasing customers’
satisfaction. In contrast, the issues of cost, time and manpower constraints and shortages are too inevitably.
Indeed, throughout the advancement of information technology
and passionate of Y generation in exploiting the existing technology, it possibly allows the election system to be converted into election ballots electronically (e-voting). In relation to this, e-Voting
System replaces the
ballot traditionally whereby the voting system is accomplished through computers and thus, the voting data are stored in the
computer in producing the results
and the process of analysis.
In this dimension, there
are a lot of previous research which have been implemented in order to identify
the methodology, efficiency; as well as the their acceptance towards the
e-Voting system holistically; for examples, ”The relationship between the
national culture and the implementation of the e-Voting system” by Basirat, P.
(2012), “Thinking outside of the ballot box: Examining public trust in E-Voting
technology” by Lippert, S. K., & Ojumu, E. B. (2008), “Building secure
elections: E-Voting, security, and systems theory” oleh Moynihan, D. P. (2004),
(Peng, K., 2011, Pieters, W., & Robert, v. H., 2007, Prandini, M., &
Ramilli, M., 2012 and Schaupp, L. C., & Carter, L., 2005).
2.0 Implementation e-Voting system at UiTM
The implementation of electronic
polling at the university has
commenced since 2006 when the Ministry
of Higher Education (MOHE) (has
changed its name later to the Ministry of
Education (MOE)) has proposed the electoral process
of Students’ Representative Council
(SRC) to be carried out electronically; provided that it can run more efficient
and systematic. In Malaysia, Universiti
Teknologi MARA (UiTM) is one of the pioneers among the public
universities which has implemented the e-Voting system since 2006 via some selected state campuses and eventually for the
whole branches in 2007 holistically.
The recent statistic of campus election conducted by UiTM Malacca City Campus (known as SRC
2013/2014) on 27
November 2013 has stated that 95.41% voters out
of 3574 students from 3868 who are eligible to vote) meanwhile on 8
December 2014, the number of voters at UiTM (Melaka) Jasin campus has stated that 84.01% voters out of 3537 students
from 4210 who are eligible to
vote. Apart from UiTM, there are
some universities like the International Islamic University
(IIUM), University of Malaya, and currently, Universiti Sains Malaysia
(USM) have been using
the voting system electronically for their campus election known as e-Kira in October 2013. According to the management
representatives of USM, this electronic
system could save time whereby
it only takes about three hours after the voting period ended; moreover
it is transparent and the accuracy is
highly guaranteed (Berita Harian, 23 October 2013).
The development of the
electronic voting system begins
from the study of campus election which is implemented manually. This study covers
the election procedures; together with the procedures
for disposal and counting.
Some of the findings of the behavioural studies which involve
technology adaptation and the factors of user resistance to change are also taken into account in drafting the initial design of e-Voting system
(Basirat, P. (2012), Lippert, S. K., & Ojumu, E. B. (2008), Schaupp, &
L. C., & Carter, L. (2005)).
Indeed, it is undeniably
true that the factors of scepticism towards the
implementation of e-voting
system lead to in-depth
study of the implementation of e-Voting procedures which plays an important role in addressing the issues of reliability, consistency,
confidentially, data security and transparency (integrity)
(Lippert, SK, &
Ojumu, EB (2008),
Schaupp, LC, &
Carter, L. (2005),
and Oravec, JA
2.1 Implementation Strategies
The main challenge in the e-Voting system is; it is carried out in 'real time' from the beginning to the end of the polling process to ensure that the
system continues to operate
without any technical problems and
electrical issues that need to be taken into account to
improve its reliability. The
implementation of e-voting
systems should minimize
the impact of user resistance to change. In this context,
the three elements which should be emphasized are:
The level of confidentiality –
Although the record of such votes
are stored in the database system, the audit trail
is only possibly to be implemented in such a way to the
extent of unique security ID and only known by the
voters only. This
is to ensure the confidentiality of
the vote.
ii) The security votes – The safety of voting data stored in the database cannot be changed by the operator administrator system and voters. This is due to the fact that the security feature has been programmed in the e-Voting system.
The safety of the system – there are particular
procedures in the operation and implementation
of the system created by the separation of the
scope of the duties of each person
involved. System administrators are not given any
access to the program code. Besides,
programmers are not given access to the live data sheets (live data).On the other hand, users are not be given access
to the closed (shut down) system. Chairman
of the polling centres are only given the access to start and close the e-Voting
system. Basically, the implementation of e-Voting
can be done morphology
Mantropolitan Area Network (MAN) or 'extranet', however,
the implementation of the environment Local Area Network
(LAN) or 'Intranet' is better to
ensure that the issues of perception of transparency, data manipulation and others can be hindered.
![]() |
Diagram 1: Implementation
of e-Voting system within the
environment of LAN
implementation of e-Voting system takes into consideration such aspects
such as time saving, minimizing staff
involvement, lower costs and improving
the efficiency. In relation to this, there are four strategies which
(i) Reducing the time in the
voting process. Student voters only need
to show their student card
/ proof material and
the selection of candidates can be done
on a computer shortly. On average, the polling process begins by entering a matric
number and id number and the selection
process will take less than 20
(ii) Minimal staff involvement. Those staffs involved
are responsible to
ensure that the voting process will run smoothly and all the calculations and reports are processed automatically by the system.
The number of staff involved in this
process can be reduced up to 50%, especially in
the process of counting and
issuing a report.
(iii) Minimal cost. The reason is; the use
ballot paper is not necessary and thus; it can reduce the cost significantly.
(iv) Increasing
its efficiency. The system
can produce the results and
automatic report more accurately and quickly.
the e-Voting system user interface is also designed in such a simple way which
resembles the ballot paper used for the sake of minimizing the the time for
voting process (refer to Diagram 2).
Diagram 2: The voting process which resembles ballot
3.0 Research Methodology
order to view the effectiveness of e-voting
systems are implemented and UiTM students view the
SRC elections of 2013/2014
and 2014/2015, a study on the
perception of the use of e-Voting system has been
implemented. The results of
this study are reported in this paper. This study is a pilot study to
look into the use of e-Voting system for the election among
college students and
to explore students' perceptions of
the e-Voting
system and its use among them. Respondents
for this study included students in the Bachelor
of UiTM
(Melaka) City Campus and a new PFI Campus namely UiTM (Melaka) Jasin campus. The rationale for
selecting these students is
because they are the younger generation that is determined by the use of e-Voting system for choosing government
electoral future. The data collection instrument was a
questionnaire consisting of nine
questions (opened-ended questionnaire) and also an interview session. The researchers have compiled the list of factors and perceptions of the use of e-Voting
after referring to the literature. A total of 261 respondents have participated
in this study by using
convenient sampling technique, whereby 9
candidates among the contestants have been selected for the sake of obtaining
better information pertaining to the opinion and efficiency of voting
electronically. Data collected through the responses received, collected
(via questionnaire) and analysed using SPSS
version 20.0 for descriptive statistics and
the elaboration process variables of percentage and frequency. On the other hand, for the interview data, the
researchers made the report findings more detailed in order to get a better
result accordingly.
4.0 Research Findings
4.1 Respondents’ background
The questionnaires are
distributed directly by way of convenience
sampling among the respondents among UiTM Melaka students (consist of
UiTM (Melaka) City Campus and Jasin Campus). Based on the responds received,
majority of the respondents are female students (83.9%) whereby only 16.1% represents
male students.
4.2 Awareness of the Availability of the e-Voting system among Students
From the questionnaire
data, the awareness of the availability of the e-Voting system among students is extremely high whereby majority
of them aware and know the definition of e-Voting system (75%). Based on the Table 1 as shown below, 39% of the
total female respondents and 8 % male respondents stated that they know and aware
of this system accordingly. Besides that, for the findings of interviews, the
candidates are aware of the existence or
use of e-voting system because they have used
this system before,
and also they have given a comprehensive briefing by
the executor body (management
of UiTM) on the application
of this system; as well as the
transparency of the development of this system. In this situation, there
is a candidate informed that they have
witnessed the electronic voting process
on their own; starting from the process of before voting,
during and after
the voting as a whole.
Percentage %
Awareness of the definition of the e-Voting system
Male (Yes)
Female (Yes)
1: Definition of the e-Voting
Next, the respondents
also were asked such questions which are related to
their knowledge or how they know about the availability of the e-Voting
system (see Table
2). In this situation, they were given
the opportunity to choose more than one answers regarding to the
question whether they know /
knew of the existence of this system
from their peers, lecturers, university websites,
Division of Student Affairs, Division of
Academic Affairs, banners / posters, faculty and
others. Based on the responds received,
there are three main sources
of awareness (see Table
2) among the students pertaining to the availability of this system which
include (i) through the Division
of Academic Affairs (100%),
(ii) through the portal
/ website of the
University (49.4%) and (iii)
through their lecturers (38.3%).
Further, 17.2%
of respondents stated that they know about this system from the faculty, and
15.7% stated that they get the information from their peers. This reflects the efforts and commitments
made by the Division
of Student Affairs, lecturers and faculty of the respondents have strongly influenced the process of information dissemination, especially to
create such awareness of the availability of the e-Voting system.
Surprisingly, although the Division of Student Affairs has been struggling to manage the electoral process of e-Voting, only 2.7%
of respondents were aware through this medium whereas 1.1%
of them know through banners / posters that are pasted.
of awareness towards the application of the e-Voting system for campus election
University websites
of Student Affairs
of Academic Affairs
Table 2: Sources of
awareness towards the application of the e-Voting
system for campus election
4.3 Students’ perception in
using the e-Voting system developed by the university
Prior to observing the
extent of students’ perception towards the e-Voting
system developed by the university, respondents are asked earlier whether they
have ever used the system an also how many times they have used the system for
the campus election. Based on the responds, about 81.2 % of the respondents
have used the system previously. From
the total amount, 81.2% has experienced once, 10.7% have voted twice and about
5.4 % of the respondents have used the system 3 times and above throughout
their studies at the university (refer
to Table 3).
Table 3: Frequency of using the e-Voting system
Percentage (%)
3 times and above
99 times
In order to observe
students’ perception towards the e-Voting system, respondents have been asked
with 7 questions regarding to their evaluation towards this system whether they
Strongly Agree (5) or Strongly Disagree (1) (refer to Table 4). The statement which represents number 3 means
that the respondents are not sure towards the question given. Throughout the
responds received, majority of them agreed that this system is verily useful,
friendly user, attractive to be used, secured, protecting their privacy,
trustworthy which eventually influenced them to apply this system. The data
gathered shows that 45.6% have agreed whereas 34.5% of them have totally agreed
that this system is totally useful for campus election. On the other hand, only
2.7% - 5.4 % of the respondents stated that they are strongly disagree and
disagree with the questionnaire given. Similarly,
such interviews were conducted to ascertain the views of the candidates pertaining to the
implementation of e-voting system
implemented electronically. They strongly agree that the system is very useful to
use, user friendly, information and user
data is kept safely. For example,
one of the contestants stated that; before
this, he just
went to vote as instructed by
his lecturer without bothering of this system.
Yet, after becoming a contestants and was
briefed regarding to the function of this system,
he found that the system is very good, useful, systematic,
effective and such outcome of the vote could be identified
more quickly and accurately than the conventional methods.
Furthermore, he also claimed that it would be better if this
system can be further expanded to the national level,
which is to be applied for the general election. On the
other hand, another candidate opined
that; if this system can be carried out at
the national level, the government could save not only time and
energy but also the
high expenses; rather than if the election
system is to be carried out through traditional
method. In terms of data confidentiality issues, he has a great
confidence pertaining to the level of confidentiality of
data stored, but if
it is going to be carried out at a higher
level, this system
should be improved in order to guarantee the confidentiality of data from any cyber-attacks
/ hacker as a whole.
Strongly Disagree
(1) %
Disagree (2) %
Uncertain (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree
(5) %
The system is useful
The system is friendly
The system is
attractive to be used
The system is secured
The system protects
your privacy
The system is trustworthy
I feel that the its security system influences me
to use it
4: Students’ perception towards the e-Voting system
4.4 Findings from Auditor’s
Report during the election process
In fact, among the researchers,
one of them
has got involved
in monitoring the polling process
electronically. Generally, he was satisfied on how the process of this system works and also finds that the system
runs properly and appropriately. In fact, the efficacy of such data seen is assessed and
done by all of
the candidates and their representatives; together being witnessed by the e-voting
committee appointed by the executor.
Apart from that, there are some suggestions for the betterment of such system to ensure that the election process more orderly, efficient and transparent;
inter alia, firstly, all officers who were stationed at
polling stations should be at the
stations assigned at least 5 minutes before 8.00 am
and should also
make preparations (paste signage, labeling
and others) earlier which is at
least a day before the polling day.
On the other hand, a short briefing related
to the officer by
the committee should be implemented
before 8:20 am
so that the voting process can be implemented better, orderly and also to avoid from any misunderstandings between the different committees. Indeed, each of
them should know the function of each job. Moreover, the
clerk must supply the voters with proper instructions on how to use supplied to the voter ID
and student card
verification before allowing them
to go for voting. Meanwhile, the number of officer in polling stations should also be increased to a total of 2-3 people in order to
help students to vote and other purposes (showing post voting / outwards and others). Besides,
a list of electors or revisions of eligible voters may be improved by checking through the
computer rather than using manual
which is very slow which
eventually the students have to queue; waiting
for their turn and as a result, it has been found that there
are some students who refused
to vote due to having
to wait too long. From the context of space, the
location of polling is also less suitable; despite
all the existing equipment are complete at the polling
stations. Thus, it may be proposed for the
election process to take place in the auditorium or hall which are more convenience.
5.0 Discussion and Conclusion
Generally speaking, most of the students have used the e-Voting
system and feel
that the system is very useful,
safe and has a trustworthy pertaining to its level of security. Conversely, there are also some respondents who feel that the system should be improved continuously so that
its confidentiality and the security of
the voters’ information are secured.
Management strategies
with regards to the on going basis in the
discussions for seeking new initiatives and improving efforts to produce a medium for information delivery and services
to be which are more creative and
innovative in terms of reliability, security and integrity of e-voting is a good effort for the sake of enhancing the
positive perception towards the implementation
of e-voting system. This is
because, the findings reported aforesaid
shows a positive improvement towards the whole items in using the e-Voting system as compared to the research which has been conducted by the
author in 2009 as shown in
Table 5.
Frequency of increasing users’ perception in 2103
The system is useful
The system is friendly
The system is
attractive to be used
The system is secured
The system protects
your privacy
The system is trustworthy
I feel that the its security system influences me
to use it
5: Comparison of Users’ Perception towards the e - Voting System for 2009 dan 2013 research
The researchers concluded
that the successfulness in implementing computerised election is not merely
confined to the e-Voting system but also supported by the implementation procedures;
as well as executor groups which are regarded to be the vital aspect of
discussion in this research as shown in Diagram
![]() |
3: The implementation of e-Voting system
which are supported by the procedures and executor group
In a nutshell, it is
recommended that the use of e-Voting system should be maximized greatly; not only within the campus elections but also maybe be applied for a general election at the
national level. In fact, the executor must establish bilateral
communication with the users
/ voters based on
the responds which is aimed for seeking a continuous
improvement to ensure that standards of excellent performance is achievable in future.
6.0 Bibliography
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Wow, what an insightful post! I love how you've tackled such a complex topic with clarity and depth. Your perspective really sheds light on aspects I hadn't considered before. It's refreshing to read something that challenges conventional thinking while remaining grounded in reality. Keep up the fantastic work—I'm already looking forward to your next piece
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